Dear friends,
It has been a great pleasure to welcome you at the 13th International Permaculture Conference & Convergence (IPC India 2017) and we warmly thank you for your participation.
IPCs have been active since 1985 and are unique occasion for permaculture practitioners around the world to gather, meet each other, share knowledge and expertise and strategize about the future of the movement.
Up to 1200 delegates (including 350 International participants from 60 different countries and 450 local farmers) participated in the 2-day Conference welcoming 40 speakers. The main hall sessions were streamed live to reach even more permaculture enthusiasts. Following the Conference, about 500 participants came together for the 5-day Convergence, giving them more time to exchange, showcase their projects, network and innovate towards common goals. In numbers, we had more than 80 speakers sessions, 11 panel discussions, 5 IPCC & FIPC meetings and 4 CoLab sessions.
The IPC India 2017, it is also:
The first ever Teacher Training in India, an extended 20-day Permaculture Design Course, 3 visits to Aranya Permaculture Farm during the Convergence, a 4-day Farm tours, 14 Cultural performances, Demonstrations of Traditional Village Living skills and 12 Edge events including 3 courses at Aranya Permaculture Farm.
We are extremely grateful to each and every person who participated in making IPC India 2017 a great success: the inspiring speakers, the absolutely fabulous team of volunteers, the beautiful performers, the IPCC & FIPC who supported us continuously, the sponsors and crowdfunders without whom it wouldn't have been possible to invite local farmers and scholars from developing countries and communicate so widely about the event and finally the core organising team.
Thank you!
Padma & Narsanna Koppula
Hosts of the IPC India 2017
Aranya Agricultural Alternatives
Societies around the world are entering an era of interconnected challenges. Most experts indeed agree on the fact that "crisis" through its various forms (economic, ecologic, societal) will be more and more recurrent; the time to prepare our societies to get more resilient in the years to come is now! ...and that's what permaculture is all about!
As "a design system for creating sustainable human environments." (Bill Mollison), permaculture offers a holistic solution-driven approach and stands as an alternative to current linear models. Basing their actions on three ethics - earth care, people care and fair share - permaculturists are striving to conceive regenerative systems within a wide range of areas including farming, building, economics or education. With the common goal to achieve sustainable livelihood for all, many initiatives around the globe are being taken to secure basic human needs (clean water and food, adequate shelter and companionship) without undermining natural resources: all-encompassing towards healthy societies.
Happening every two years, the International Permaculture Convergence is a very special occasion offered to practitioners from around the world to share their experiences, learn from each other and strategize about the future of the permaculture movement!
Change is already happening! Will you be a part of it?
Mahatma Gandhi had said "be the change you wish to see in the world". This quote holds true for both men and women. Women continue to produce 80% of food in developing countries and it is critical to extend their role as the 'protectors' and 'nurturers' of their loved ones to 'protectors' and 'promoters' of healthy societies. By harnessing their knowledge, providing more leadership opportunities and creating a gender equal environment, we can take decisive steps towards creating a resilient world.
As said by Bill Mollison, "The only ethical decision is to take responsibility for our own existence and that of our children." People Care is this core ethic which begins with ourselves and expands to include our families, neighbours and companions, spreading the Fair Share mindset among everyone, no matter their age or status. Collaborative and educational efforts that instill the values of care, compassion, gift economy, harmony and justice will lead us towards an inclusive society, that is free of oppression and inequality.
As a playground for human-scale experiments, grassroots permaculture is essential to make new ecological and social solutions emerge. Through concrete and localized achievements like commons, participatory initiatives, or sociocracy, it puts the people at the heart of systems and policies - even during crises situations (refugees camps). From site-specific to duplicable or upscaling ideas, always leaning on the power of community, grassroots initiatives move people into action with a holistic approach rather than isolated pieces, enabling them to handle their resources and needs in a fecund and democratic manner.
Cultural diversity and traditions formed over the centuries make this world a rich place. Globalization-mania has weakened vernacular cultures that have thrived in their environment. Standardized solutions and products tend to become the norm even in the agricultural world. Permaculture roots it philosophy into ancient practices, revitalizes them with the fusion of modern, relevant techniques and innovations to revive the empirical know-how accumulated over many generations. This establishes a fruitful and respectful dialogue between different cultures and times.
Drought and its alter ego, flood, are likely to happen more and more often in the future. In many countries where drylands and erosion have extended their boundaries during the past decades, water shortages and sudden heavy rains are already every days challenges. Yet, if water is a critical resource for humans, it is critical for life on earth as well. Sustainable water management is a cornerstone of any healthy society. Through permaculture principles, we have a toolbox within easy reach to handle diverse sources of water (rainwater, water table, glaciers, aquifers, etc.) responsibly and regeneratively.
Very few doubt that climate is going to get more extreme and erratic in the coming years. With its holistic approach, permaculture appears as a suitable answer to slow down climate change, mitigate its effects and protect us from disasters. Resilient ecosystems of food forests and living soils can limit greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to food production. Putting activism and embodied energy at the heart of its philosophy, permaculture provides new patterns to bring effective transition in our consumption and build sustainable models that reduce fossil fuels extraction and wastage of the limited resources we have.
Click on any of the subthemes icons to read its description
Environmental Activist, Author
Founder, Navdanya
Permaculture Designer and Educator
President, Permaculture College Australia
Co-originator of Permaculture concept
Environmental Designer, Ecological Educator and Writer
Holmgren Design
The United Kingdom
Permaculture Teacher and Designer
Chief Executive, Permaculture Association UK
Permaculture Designer, Activist
Co-founder, Aranya Agricultural Alternatives
Permaculture Designer and Teacher,
General Coordinator of IPC Argentina 2020,
Co-founder of Permaculture Na Lu'um Institute
The United States
Author, Permaculture Teacher and Activist
Co-founder and Director, Earth Activist Training, California
Chairman, Tarun Bharat Sangh
Permaculture Educator and Activist
Founder, Permaculture Association of India
Founder Chair, Deccan Development Society
Environmental Biologist
Director, Ecoscience Research Foundation
Permaculture Teacher
Permaculture-Academy in the Alpine Regions
Founder and "Full Time Volunteer", ServiceSpace
Permaculture Trainer and Facilitator
Co-founder and CEO, Aranya Agricultural Alternatives
Permaculture Teacher, Designer and Author
President, Permaculture Center of Japan
Head of the Department and Officer-in-charge of Ruska Labs
Telangana Veterinary University
The United States
Permaculture Designer, Professor and Author
Founder, The Farm Ecovillage Training Center
Permaculture Farmer and Marketer / Entrepreneur
Aanandaa Permaculture Farm
Agronomist and Doctor in Ecology
Professor of Agroecology, AgroParisTech
Permaculture Designer and Teacher
Co-Founder of Permaculture Na Lu'um Institute
Permaculture Projects Coordinator and Teacher
Seedwell - Marist 180 and the Salvation Army
Chief Education Hacker and Unlearner
PhD Researcher and Permaculture Activist
Western University Canada
Permaculture Trainer and Educator
Director, Maya Mountain research Farm
The United States
Permaculture Teacher and Designer
Living Ecology, California
Permaculture Educator and Program Coordinator, Co-founder of Himalayan Permaculture Group and Executive Officer, Himalayan Permaculture Centre
The Philippines
Permaculture in emergencies and crises, Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) EmerGENcies
Co-Founder, Green Releaf
Director, Organic Farming Association of India (OFAI)
PhD Biologist and Permaculture Designer
Findhorn ecovillage, Scotland
Permaculture Projects Coordinator
SOILS Permaculture Association
Editor and Ecological educator
Founder, Bhoomi College and K.N.A. Foundation
Permaculture Trainer, Designer and freelance Consultant
Co-founder and former staff of Kusamala Institute of Agriculture and Ecology
Permaculture Designer and Trainer
Co-founder, Little Donkey Farm
Permaculture Teacher and Project Coordinator
Co-founder, Regional SCOP (ReSCOPE) Programme, Malawi
New Zealand / The United States
Permaculture Educator & Ecological Landscape Designer
The Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa, School of Integrated Living
Researcher and Permaculture Practitioner
Convenor of Peace Studies, University of New England
Director, Centre for Environment Concerns, Hyderabad
The United Kingdom
Creative Sourcing Team,
Lush Handmade Cosmetics UK
Permaculture Teacher and Designer
Co-founder, Chikukwa and Director, PORET
Permaculture Teacher and Project Coordinator
Co-founder, Permaculture in Ukraine
Farmer, Herbalist and Health Advisor
"Barefoot Consultant", Himalayan Permaculture Centre
The United States
Vedic Scholar, Jyotisa and Ayurvedic Practitioner
Science of Light LLC, California
Project coordinator in water resource conservation
Founder, Smaran
The United States
Permaculture Teacher and Designer
Director, Regenerative Design Institute
The United Kindgom
Permaculture Designer and Teacher
Himalayan Permaculture Centre (HPC), Nepal
PhD scholar, Environmentalist and Permaculture Facilitator
National Coordinator for Schools and Colleges Permaculture SCOPE
Doctor in Ecology and Biologist
Founder and Coordinator, Vrihi
South Africa
Permaculture Trainer and Educator
Director, SEED (Schools Environmental Education & Development)
Secretary, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)
New Zealand
Permaculture Educator and Facilitator
Director, Institute of Earthcare Education Aotearoa
Permaculture Educator
Project Coordinator, New Earth
The United States
Author and Editor
Narrative Development and Regenerative Design, Rubicon Seven LLC
PhD and Permaculture Teacher
Founding Director, EcontAct
Co-founder, Earth Passengers
Permaculture Design and Education
Founding member, Taiwan Permaculture
The United States
Permaculture Designer, Consultant and Educator
Managing Partner, Permaculture Design International (PDI)
Permaculture Practitioner and Teacher
National Adviser for Permaculture School Gardens, Ministry of Education
Founder, Permaculture Timor-Leste (PERMATIL)
The United States
Ecological Designer, Educator, Researcher and Writer
Founder, Project Grounded
Belgium (Philippine resident)
Permaculture Educator and Designer
Founder of Cabiokid foundation, The Philippine Permaculture Association, Brilliant Practices Permaculture Inc.
Permaculture Author, Educator and Pioneer
Founder, Dynamic Groups and Earthcare Education
Community Seed Bank Manager, Mesoamerican Permaculture Institute (IMAP)
PhD and Permaculture Teacher
Secretary, Italian Permaculture Academy
The United States
Permaculture Designer and Consultant
Founder, San Isidro Permaculture (SIP)
Managing Partner, Permaculture Design International (PDI)
Program Officer
Eco Village Farm School
Network for Environment and Economic Development (NEED)
The United Kingdom
Senior Research Fellow, Agroecological Futures
Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University
Trinidad and Tobago
Permaculture Designer and Consutlant
Director, Wa Samaki Ecosystems &
Caribbean Permaculture Consultants Ltd
Landscape Architect, Permaculture Designer
Researcher, Permaculture Research Tour
Researcher and Permaculture teacher
Lecturer, La Trobe University
Designer, Ceramist and Pioneer in alternative education
Permaculture Researcher, Educator & Project Manager
Director, Sacred Places Design & Consultation
Permaculture Trainer and facilitator
Co-founder and Secretary, Youth For Agri Welfare (YFAW)
Independent Researcher and Senior Food and Nutrition Consultant
Permaculture Association (Britain)
Author, Editor, Ecological farming and Permaculture Trainer
The United States
Permaculture Educator and Designer
Creative Developer of 'Adapt' A Design Game
Executive Director
Bangladesh Association for Sustainable Development (BASD)
New Zealand
Permaculture Designer
Co-founder, Agari Natural Building, Australia
The United States
MD-c. Technical Adviser, Woven Earth
Founder & CEO, Hope & Homes
The United States
Community Organizer and Educator
Board member, Global Ecovillage Network and Fellowship for Intentional Community
"Wanakaset" Practitioner and Community Leader
Permaculture Author, Educator and Practitioner
Member, International Permaculture Education Network (IPEN)
Senior Lecturer and Head of Discipline
Permaculture Design Program, CQUniversity
Permaculture Teacher and Consultant
Founder, Drylands Natural Resources
Center (DNRC)
Doctor Agronomist and Permaculture Project Facilitator, NatureDesigns
Board Member, Italian Permaculture Academy
Permaculture Practitioner
Founder, Yubakrishi
National Director, International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS)
Permaculture Designer and Facilitator
The United States
Researcher and Permaculture Teacher
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Haverford College
Permaculture Teacher, Designer, and Coach / Mentor
Founder, Sustainable Living Network, Toronto
Farmer and Permaculture Designer
Coordinator, Humla programs, Himalayan Permaculture Centre
The United States
Permaculture Designer, Educator, Illustrator and Consultant
New Zealand
Ecological Designer and Permaculture Educator
Contributor, Making Permaculture Stronger
Natural Farmers and Volunteers
GreenLocal (Coimbatore) / Service Space
The United States
Permaculture Teacher and Designer
Instructor, Oregon State University
Journalist and Film Director
Chairman, Tunisian Association of Permaculture
Permaculture Teacher and Consultant
Designer: BioWicked Urban Food Growing System
Permaculture Designer and Teacher
Art of Living Bengalore
Malawi Permaculture Educator Coordinator, Schools and Colleges Permaculture (SCOPE)
The United States
Permaculture Designer
Founder, Inhabit Earth & FoodScape Designs
PhD in Wildlife Science and Conservation Biology
Ecologist and Consultant
Permaculture Designer and Trainer
Founder, Marda Permaculture Farm
Project Developer and Fundraiser
Founder, Envice
The United States
Ecological Designer, Educator & Writer
Founder, In Transition Permaculture
President, HASERA
Founder member, Nepal Permaculture Group (NPG)
Managing Director, Organic Certification Nepal (OCN)
Scholar and Activist
Lecturer, School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork
Adjunct Faculty, International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT)
Hyderabad Experimental Farm (Sasya-Syamala Krishi Vanam)
Permaculture Teacher
Founding Editor and Publisher, Pip Magazine
Agriculture Instructor, Tandi, Chitwan>br>
Technical Adviser, Woven Earth
Permaculture Teacher, Designer & Compost-Consultancy
Founder, Permaculture-School
Permaculture Designer and Teacher in Srinagar, Kashmir Valley
Activist and Permaculture
Co-founder and Director,
OpenAustralia Foundation
The United States
Regenerative Development Sociologist and Author
Principal and Founder, Rubicon Seven LLC
Permaculture Designer in Urban Communities
Executive member, Garden Estate.
Thailand (resident)
Permaculture Practitioner and Regenerative Pathway Developer
Member, Agricultural Biodiversity Community
Permaculture Designer and Activist
Dr. Venkat, India's own permaculture pioneer, led thousands people with his vision, kindness and dedication. He and Bill worked together on several occasions with great fondness and respect for each other. They featured together in the film "The Global Gardener".
Bill Mollison was a living inspiration to all the permaculturists and thousands of others. His foresight and his insight together gave the world a way of integrating all human lives with living and non living things. At this convergence we remember and celebrate Bill's gift to the present and the future.
It is with a very heavy heart that we learnt this August that our dearest friend Ali Sharif has passed. It is a huge loss for the permaculture community.
Ali Sharif was a Permaculture pioneer who over 30 years ago took a Permaculture Design Course taught by Bill Mollison. At the end of the course Bill Mollison approached each students and asked them pointedly "just what are you going to do with this knowledge, right now?"
Ali answered immediately "I'm in Bill, I will dedicate my life to Permaculture" and Bill pointed him to South America and said "go there", and he did, spending the next 27 years in the Amazon. He then went on to Mozambique in Africa where he did some exceptional work.
Ali Sharif was a great permaculture expert who has worked with communities tirelessly to establish several dozen projects on three continents. Ali Sharif, you will be greatly missed during IPC India 2017.